
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Procedural Project

This week I've been looking at Hilbert curves and how to use them for generating a layout. I plan on placing tiles for each point in this layout which will make up the dungeon.
I've been doing this in UE4 C++.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Procedural Update

This week for the procedural dungeon maker I looked into implementing random wall and floor tile placement with some cell automata. I did this in UE4 using blueprints and the grasslands asset pack from Epic.

Monday, July 2, 2018

VFX Project

For the VFX project I am making a simple ray tracer based off of readings from scratchapixel, Raytracing in One Weekend, and Graphics Gems IV.

This week I am creating the outline for the power point presentation. I will show this to the class in order to explain what a ray tracer is and how to make one from a high level. I'll be showing examples from the readings.

I've also began thinking about the final project. I'm thinking of doing a procedural environment with Unreal Engine 4.